Product Spotlight

Brew Your Bath 101: How to Take a Bath with Herbal Bath Teas May 15, 2016 07:30 2 Comments

Greetings, Lumerians!

As many of you may, or may not be aware, we decided to expand our offerings in the Lumerian Spa experience, to include scrubs, bath salts or bath soaks, and bath teas. Bath teas? Yeah, bath teas.

I had been going to the market for about 6 weeks and learned 1) the vast majority of people coming by our booth had no idea what bath teas were and 2) as a result, they had no idea how to use them or the benefits that they provided for their entire body. So, it is imperative I take this time out to explain the history behind bath teas, how to draw a bath with bath teas, and the many benefits they offer, not only your skin, but your entire body.

Herbal tea baths date back tens of thousands of years to ancient Egypt, most notably, during the era of Cleopatra. If she did not have the opportunity to visit the Dead Sea for its wonderful minerals, she was provided with all the minerals and herbs she needed to bathe in the privacy of her own palace. These baths led to the softening of her skin, greater circulation in her bloodstream, and the calming of her overall mood. Now, it wasn’t just because it was Cleopatra or because it was in Egypt. The herbal tea bath has this effect on anyone who comes in contact with a bathtub, hot water, and herbs, from Far East of Asia all the way to the Natives in America.

Stress, alleviating anxiety, invigorate the body, calm down the mind, enable you to experience greater feeling, ease the skin, loosen up muscles and joints, invigorate the circulatory system in the body

Bath tea solutions fall into three broad categories for me: invigorating/stimulating bath teas, relaxing bath teas, and healing bath teas, and yes, there is an herb or a concoction of herbs that can be combined into a porous bag to be dropped in your bath and the healing instantly begins.

Be sure to stay tuned for the next three installments on Brew Your Bath 101: How to Take an Herbal Tea Bath with Herbal Bath Teas!

Naturally Yours,


Lumeria Body Care

4 Reasons Soaking in Bath Salts Can Change Your Skin and Your Entire Body! April 17, 2016 07:00

Bath salts benefit your skin in more ways than one. When used in their pure and natural form, bath salts contain many beneficial minerals and nutrients that keep your skin smooth, soft, and supple.

First, magnesium, potassium calcium, bromide, and of course, sodium are key minerals contained in bath salts that make these benefits possible. These minerals are easily absorbed into your pores and are known to cleanse and purify your skin on a molecular level, improving your skin’s radiance, tone, texture, and appearance. Let’s look at their benefits individually.

Magnesium helps us fight stress and combat fatigue. Potassium balances moisture levels in the skin. Calcium keeps water retention in check, promotes healthy bones and can help stave off osteoporosis. Bromide soothes tired, sore muscles. And sodium plays a significant role in managing the balance of lymphatic fluid in our bodies. As a result, bath salts benefit not only your skin, but your entire body – from the inside out, just as it should be.

A second benefit of bath salts is that they help detoxify your skin. Warm water opens your pores, allowing the minerals in your bath salts to deeply cleanse our skin. Bathing in a solution of warm water and bath salts works to draw out impurities, pollution, oil, dirt, and dead skin cells from the skin. Bath salts can even bring you the added benefit of looking younger – regular use of bath salts through bathing has been shown to decrease the appearance of fine lines by plumping the skin and balancing moisture. 

Third, bath salts harvested from the Dead Sea have been shown to effectively treat and manage symptoms of osteoarthritis and tendinitis. In recent studies, people with these conditions were given a Dead Sea salt bath solution at levels of .5, .75 and 2 percent dead sea salt concentration. The study revealed the condition of those who received a solution with more Dead Sea salt improved after just a few weeks of treatment. In addition, patients exhibiting symptoms such as itchiness, insomnia and psoriasis, seemed to subside after bathing regularly for as little as a few weeks, reaping even more benefits through the use of bath salts.

Fourth, after your bath, you will feel calm, relaxed, and happy, especially when the bath salts are infused with essential oils such as lavender or chamomile, which will soothe you and prepare you for a good night’s sleep. If you take your bath first thing in the morning, bath salts infused with citrus or green tea essential oils will perk you up, so you can start the day with focus and energy. 

Last, but not least, you can enjoy the benefits of bath salts without any negative side effects. Bath salts are safe for everyone, easy to use, and provide a great value to your skincare regimen. So, without further ado, check out my favorite bath salt soak, here.

So, as you can see bath salts contain a plethora of benefits beyond looking beautiful and smelling great. The benefit of bath salts are numerous, and after using them, you’ll feel the difference in your skin, your mood, decreased frequency of ailments, and internal bodily functions. Now get to soaking!


Naturally Yours,


Lumeria Body Care

6 Reasons Why Your Skin is Waiting for You to Exfoliate It! March 20, 2016 06:00

Lumerians, Greetings!

This past Spring, I combed the internet to find out how I was going to convince people to take a substance that you rub on your skin, that is lightly to moderately abrasive, and tell them it’s good for them?

Well, thank goodness the internet has my back the majority of the time. Below are 6 benefits that are waiting for you once you choose to add exfoliation to your body care regimen.

Fight Signs of Aging

Whether they are vocal about it, go about it through actions, or say nothing at all, everyone wants to age in this body as slowly as they possibly can. So, here’s the facts: exfoliating your skin is to fight the signs of aging.

As we get older, our skin’s natural ability to shed dead skin cells slows down. As a result, dead and dull skin cells often make fine lines, wrinkles and dry skin stand out even more.

Help your skin age even more gracefully by exfoliating regularly and shedding those dead skin cells!

Improve Texture

Have you ever heard anyone say: “Oh, look how rough her skin is. It’s so beautiful!” Yeah, me neither!

In fact, I have the opportunity to speak and interact with many women that work in spas, nail salons, and make up counters. Do you know the number one thing they tell me, “Many women don’t know that the reason their make up appears to be matte or does not come out smooth is because they are not exfoliating the skin on their face enough, to give us a smooth canvas to work with.”

One of the many benefits of exfoliating your skin starts with improving your skin’s texture. If your skin looks, or more importantly, feels rough or dry, exfoliating your skin is an easy way to revive and rejuvenate dry, dull skin!

I’m sure, at some point in your life, you’ve experienced that magical feeling when you’ve exfoliated your face and arms, or hands and feet, and you’re left with super smooth skin! To experience this on a continuum, make sure you exfoliate on a regular basis to keep your skin smooth and help beauty products look even better when you apply them!

Even Out Skin Tone

Having an uneven skin tone is one of the many skin concerns I come in contact when facing potential customers every week, yet they have no idea they are one scrub away from that problem being in the past!

Another one of the skin benefits of exfoliating is that it can help remove leftover dirt and makeup, as well as layers of dead skin, to reveal bright, new skin that’s hiding underneath.

Now, if I could just exfoliate an even tan across my entire body, I would be able to knock that off my bucket list for this summer.

Help Prevent Breakouts

Blackheads. Whiteheads. Acne. Do you suffer from any of these conditions? Would you like to stop suffering from these conditions? When you exfoliate, pores become unclogged, oil, dirt, and dead skin are released, and you are one step closer to clear skin.

When your pores get clogged up with dead skin cells, oils from your skin can get trapped beneath the surface, causing pimples.

Help yourself keep acne under control by keeping pores clean and clear!

Help Skin Care Products Penetrate Deeper

I know Tyra Banks make up artist personally. They have worked on Anderson Cooper as well. These people are on television constantly and their skin has to look flawless. This individual was one of the first to tell me that a skincare product is not going to work it’s best unless your skin is completely clean of anything except live skin cells.

There is nothing worse than spending your heard earned money on quality skin care products and finding that your skin isn’t getting any benefit from them. If you’ve experienced this yourself, don’t be too quick to blame the product. If you have layers of dead skin piled up, the skin care product might not be able to penetrate your skin!

Exfoliate regularly so your skin care products get a chance to really sink in and work on your skin!

A Closer Shave

Shaving dull skin is just as bad, if not worse, than shaving with a dull razor. You are risking a unattractive shave, not to mention the possibility of a skin infection.

If you are seeking for your shave to be as close as possible, whether it be scalp, face, or legs, always exfoliate your skin beforehand. This will get rid of any dead skin cells that can potentially clog up your razor blades and will give you a smooth, clean shave!

Well, Lumerians, you are now 6 pieces of factual advice closer to having glowing skin during these “Dog Days of Summer.” If you want to know my favorite, just click here, and be amazed!

Naturally Yours,

Lumeria Body Care

To the Peachtree Center Green Market, We Love You! October 29, 2015 09:36

Fellow and Future Lumerians, Good Morning!

This blog post is bitter sweet, in that today is Peachtree Center Green Market Day, as it has been every single Thursday since the first week of April 2015, but its the LAST day of the Peachtree Center Green Market for this year 2015.

Although I am not yet moved to tears, I can not put in to words how much this farmer's market at Peachtree Center has meant to Lumeria Body Care and its ability to attract our wonderful Lumerians.

We were only 9 months into our all natural skin care business here at Lumeria Body Care, when I got a phone call from Urban Enterprises to ask us if we would like to be the featured skin care provider at their market. Now, mind you, I had sent off to DOZENS of farmer's markets' in the metro Atlanta area with no luck and then out of the blue, a farmer's market being held in the middle of downtown reaches out to us to say they want Lumeria Body Care to be a part of what they are doing. The only answer was, "YES!"

Over these past 7 months, I have had the opportunity to meet hundreds of great people from all over The Mall at Peachtree Center, downtown Atlanta, midtown Atlanta, metro Atlanta, traveling from all parts of America, and the world, that ended up becoming Lumerians. We do what we do to see the smile on people's faces when they smell, touch, and ultimately use our product...I won't be able to see those faces for 5 months and I know that it's going to be different here at Lumeria, just on that fact alone.

So, to all who can make it to downtown Atlanta to the Peachtree Center Green Market from 11-2 today, please do. We are running some great specials to show our appreciation to all those who have been on this journey with us, so far.

It's not goodye, just "see you later."

Naturally Yours,

Lumeria Body Care

Aluminum Free Deodorant and Why It's Good For YOU October 27, 2015 10:45

<Meta Description: Discover the remarkable benefits of plant-based skincare and why natural ingredients are the key to healthier, more conscious beauty routines. Explore personalized solutions for different skin types and concerns, all while supporting sustainability and cruelty-free practices.>

Good Morning Fellow and Future Lumerians!

It's raining and overcast where I am, but it is still a great day in the land of Lumeria!

Let's get right to it. Deodorant. Yeah...something you don't really give much thought to once you have laid money down for it and it is in your possession. I mean, you can get if anywhere. Grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, big box retailers, and health food stores, all carry what many of us would not be able to live around other humans without.

Here's the tricky part, since you can get it anywhere, value tends to get lost in that all deodorants are not created equal.

If your deodorant has aluminum in it, you need to ditch it.

If your deodorant has alcohol in it, you need to ditch it.

If your deodorant has water in it, ditch it!

We here at Lumeria Body Care lead by example. First of all, we have none of the ingredients I previously mentioned in our deodorant. Second of all, every single ingredient that goes into our deodorant and into your armpits, is either geared towards absorbing moisture or preventing odor. That's it...that's all your deodorant is supposed to do.

So, for their first time out all together in our new packaging, we present to you: Lemongrass, Lavender and Sweet Rose! People want a deoodrant that works and that is what we have accomplished.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, make sure you pick up a stick of your favorite scent, @ 30% OFF, before October 31st, because this current batch of all three deodorants is going to be gooooooooone!

Naturally Yours,

Lumeria Body care